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Customized Digital Book Review Worksheets

Customized Digital Book Review Worksheets


Your brand is important! These customizable book review worksheets can help expand your brand by giving your readers a more personal experience while leaving a review. You don't need to depend on Amazon or a third-party to keep/hold onto/lose your reviews. 


This customizable worksheet set is/will be delivered in 24-48 hours. No consultation is needed for this service. In the information section, all you need to do is tell me the colors of your brand, questions you want answered by your readers, special shapes/patterns you're more drawn to than others, and anything specific you'd like to see on your book form sheets. 


This fee includes up to 3 pages of worksheets.

This service is non-refundable.

This service allows one revision for free.

Additional revisions are $5 per revision. 


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